Become a Sweeps Affiliate

Earn commissions while helping others discover the ultimate sweepstakes collection tool.

Why Join Our Affiliate Program?

High Commissions

First 6 months you receive 40% of recurring revenue then 20% after for a total of 12 months

Monthly Payouts

Receive your earnings conveniently through Paypal.

Simple Promotion

Use social media, word of mouth, or your own creative ideas to drive signups.

How It Works

We work with First Promoter to streamline our affiliate program and allow you to get paid out quickly. Every subscriber you bring generates a recurring income for you. For example, bringing in 10 users to our unlimited tier equates to $72.00/month for your first 6 months!

Recommended Promotion Methods

  • Word of mouth: Share with friends and family.
  • Social media: Post on platforms like Reddit, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.
  • Get creative: We value your ideas and support unique strategies.


  • No Search Engine Ads on Google, Bing, etc., especially branded terms or domains.
  • Signing up through your own affiliate link is not allowed.
  • Be mindful of site-specific rules to avoid bans for over-promotion.